December 25, 2022
On the Christmas Eve of the year 2022, snow, ice, subzero temperature hit large swaths of the United States.
Winter blitz also left thousnads without power.
High temperature in Orange County where I live is minus 10 F, while the lake of Michigan in Chicago, where I used to study at Northwestern Univ. in 1969, is 1 on Friday, Dec 22, 2022.
To prevent in advance from attacking Flu and build immune system after the eveil treatment, I took a glass of juice mised with tomato, carrot, ginseng, ginger, apple skin and sugar, I don't want to be in a situation "Lock the stable door after the steed is stolen". 소읽고 외양간 고친다.
The cold winter on which a poet Henry Longfellow experiened on the river of Charles reminds me "Where winter winds are piercing chill, and through the hawthorn blows the gale, with solemn feet, I tread the hill, that overthrows the lonely vale."
There is no hawthorn trees in my hill of Yang Han Jeong, but acasia, maple and oak trees and hibiscus. Composing my winter poem, I am seeking a solace from the winter blitz.
This Christmas is unsual in that cold winds and low temperature with a gale , coupled with threatening economic recession next year,`may tighten our budget for Christmas shopping. Yesterday in most shopping mall including Woodbury Common Premium Outlet was not as busy as used to be. We should embrace both its past and constant reinvention, and invote a resilient spirit. Spiritual renewal is deperately needed to bring our depressed mood to normal. Only Zelensky of Ukraine is in high spirit after he got $4.5 billion aid from the United States in defending freedom and democracy for its own country against communist Russia's attack.
Thank Bob Dylan, a songwriter,composer and singer, the 2016 Nobel Prize winnter in literature, for his reruminating the definition of creation as the power of being unsociable, and tight-assed, just unfriendly and distracted, self-suffiecinet and staying focused.
On this gloomy Christmas Eve, respecting his moral sentiment and modest not to attend to the ceremony to accept all the Grammus awards, Oscar and Nobel Prize for his achievements in music and poem and writings.
Thank you for the song " Blowing In The Wind", though I still can not grasp the the whole implication of the poem. I enjoy singing it at Karaoke room. Your virtue of humility is comparable to the one of Russian mathmatician, Dr. Gregory Perelman, who rejected $ million Fields Medal award for his revision of Henri Poincare theory, given by Spain government.
Dr. Hubert Lee, philosopher in Economic thoughts.
September 13, 2022
수석부회장님. 강병목 코넷테 컷 회장님. AKUS 가족돼심을 진심으로 환영합니다.
* 아울러 존경하는 AKUS 한국 송대성회장님을 모시고 9.28 일 72주년 서울 수복기념에 즘하여 역사적인 안보 강연을 미주 LA에서 핼사하게됨을 진심으로 축원합니다.
* 시대적 소명으로 한미동맹이 그 어느때보다 강조되는 때에 너무나 시의 적절하다고 사료됩니다. 하와이에서 LA로 날아갈 계획을 하고 있으며 등단문인으로서 도 책무를 다하고자 이미 미주전자역 문인협회에 통지 홍보하여 해외동포 및 국내외 애국 동포들이 안보 강연에 최대한 참석하여 안보의식을이 고취되었으면 바랍니다
* 문인들도 강건너 불처럼 간과해서는 안되며 세상에 빛과 소금의 역할을 해야할것입니디.팬은 총칼보다 더 무섭다는 언급이 있으며, 6.25 전쟁 때 군인과 함께 정훈대에 소속되어 대북 선전등 적군의 회유 심리전에 뢀약한바 알려졌습니다.
* 지금 사랑의 띠로 묶여 일취월장하는 우리AKUS는 명실공히 한미동맹강화와 국가안보에 역점을 두며 ,구호보다 행동하는 역군으로서 새정부에 힘을 실어줘 잃어버린 시대를 회복하여 튼튼한 도약의 벌판을 굳건히 하기를 기원합니다.
하와이 회장 양상훈 올림
September 13, 2022
AKUS 가족되심을 환영합니다. ^^
︎본부 AKUS 이병만 수석부회장님
︎남가주 AKUS 김영구(목사) 회장님
︎커네티컷 AKUS 강병목 회장님
September 13, 2022
축하합니다 - 장동신 사무 총장 아들 결혼식
June 30, 2022
June 30, 2022