America Korea United Society
Background of Establishment
▪ Two Facts
On May 21, 2021, there was a Korea-U.S. summit. The South Korean government announced the adoption of the document as a result.
문재인 대통령은 한국과 미국의 안보를 향상시키는 실질적 진전을 위해 북한과의 외교에 열려 있고, 이를 모색한다는, 정교하고 실용적인 접근법을 취하는 미국의 대북정책 검토가 완료된 것을 환영하였다. 우리는 또한 2018년 판문점 선언과 싱가포르 공동성명 등 기존의 남북 간, 북미 간 약속에 기초한 외교와 대화가 한반도의 완전한 비핵화와 항구적 평화정착을 이루는 데 필수적이라는 공동의 믿음을 재확인하였다.
President Moon welcomes the conclusion of the United States’ DPRK policy review, which
takes a calibrated and practical approach that is open to and will explore diplomacy with the DPRK to make tangible progress that increases the security of the United States and the Republic of Korea. We also reaffirm our common belief that diplomacy and dialogue,
based on previous inter-Korean and U.S.-DPRK commitments such as the 2018 Panmunjom Declaration and Singapore Joint Statement, are essential to achieve the
complete denuclearization and establishment of permanent peace on the Korean
우리는 또한 남북 이산가족 상봉 촉진을 지원한다는 양측의 의지를 공유하였다.
We also share our willingness to help facilitate the reunion of separated families of the
two Koreas.
The Korea-U.S. summit took place three years after the inter-Korean summit (April 27, 2018).
However, the Peace on the Korean Peninsula Act (H.R.3446) was proposed by the U.S. House of Representatives on the day of the Korea-U.S. summit. It was co-sponsored by four members: Brad Sherman, Ro Khanna, Andy Kim, and Grace Meng. It was the same day as the Korea-U.S. summit.
In other words, the Korea-U.S. summit and the Peace on the Korean Peninsula Act, (H.R.3446) were proposed simultaneously on the same day as May 21, 2021. The Korean media poured out the two facts through extensive coverage. However, many Koreans were unaware of the intentions and contents of the fact. It cannot be regarded as a coincidence because it is understood that the date of the Korea-U.S. summit was intended to popularize a peace bill that will not receive attention. It is impossible to erase the reasonable suspicion that the two facts that took place on the same day were planned.
▪ The true nature of Peace on the Korean Peninsula Act, H.R. 3446)
As of 2023, the Peace on the Korean Peninsula Act (H.R.3446) was repealed due to the expiration of the session (2022). If the bill had been passed by the U.S. Congress, however, South Korea would have faced a serious security crisis as it led to the declaration of the end of the war → withdrawal of U.N. troops → destruction of the South Korea-U.S. alliance. It was a 若觀火 to make clear that the Peace on the Korean Peninsula Act (H.R.3446) is a lie, a fake, and a trick disguised as peace. In his keynote speech at the 76th U.N. General Assembly (Sept. 21, 2022), President Moon Jae In proposed another "declaration of the end of the war." It is only a few months left before he leaves office. As of March 1, 2013, Brad Sherman reissued the Korean Peninsula Peace Act to the 118th U.S. House of Representatives. (additional revision)
▪ People Worrying About Korea's Security Crisis
On November 21, 2018, about 500 retired generals, including the late general Baek Seon-yeop, declared a national security crisis, fearing the inter-Korean summit (April 27, 2018) and the Panmunjom Declaration's security risks to the Republic of Korea. At the Seoul War Memorial of Korea, the "9.19 Inter-Korean Military Agreement National Debate" was held and questions from the government were announced. After that, the group, which expanded to about 900 generals, launched a non-profit organization called the "Korean Retired Generals' NGO(abbreviated as: KORGAD)" on January 30, 2019. However, due to the oppression and oppression of the pro-North Korean left-wing government, efforts to expand further are limited.
▪ The birth of AKUS
Korean Retired Generals' NGO(abbreviated as: KORGAD)will re-recognize the necessity of strengthening the Korea-U.S. alliance for the security of the Republic of Korea and seek measures led by General Song Dae-sung to realize concretely. While traveling between Korea and the U.S. for three years from 2018 to 2020, Song Dae-sung will meet with Chairman Kim Young-gil in New Jersey, the U.S., in the fall of 2020. The two also agreed to make efforts in the U.S. and Korea to form and establish the AKUS (Korea-U.S. Federation), respectively. Thus, the AKUS was born.
▪ AKUS Foundation
On May 10, 2022, President Yoon Suk Yeol was inaugurated as the new president of the Republic of Korea. The inauguration ceremony was attended by 38 AKUS presidents of the Korea-U.S. Federation in the United States. Then, they held the Korean Congress in Seoul for 11-14 days. In line with the decision to hold the inaugural general meeting in the United States in 2023, they gathered in Atlanta, the United States for 3.25-28 days to hold a meeting of the American presidents and the inaugural general meeting of the AKUS of the Korea-U.S. Federation (March 27, 2023). The General Assembly appointed General President Kim Young-gil and Chairman Song Dae-sung of the Republic of Korea, appointed headquarters executives and AKUS presidents from 27 regions in the United States, and started as a non-profit international civic group for the Korea-U.S. alliance.