general president
The Republic of Korea has begun to take big steps toward a new era, a bright future.
Korea has overcome difficulties and crises in the modernization process and is a proud country with global competitiveness. For the past 70 years, the Korea-U.S. Mutual Defense Treaty provided strong safety measures.
However, the Korea-U.S. alliance is now in serious crisis. On November 11, 2021, we launched the AKUS Headquarters in order to publicize this seriousness and to further strengthen the solidarity of the ROK-U.S. alliance. Many people who show their patriotism on the private level are joining us. The AKUS Headquarters in the U.S. sent a letter of protest and signature to the House of Representatives of the United States against the Peace on the Korean Peninsula Act (H.R. 3446).
It served as a model for the Korean community by organizing protests against the "False Peace Agreement and Declaration of the End of War" in front of the New Jersey Town Hall and the UN Headquarters. Currently, various activities are being carried out to block the legislation of the newly proposed Korean Peninsula Peace Act (H.R. 1369).
AKUS seeks to realize the ROK-U.S. alliance on a private level. Through diverse exchanges of politics, economy, society, and culture, the ROK-U.S. alliance will become stronger.
Please join us AKUS.
We ask for your open-minded participation.
I am sure that with your participation and support, the future direction and specific action plans of AKUS will be firmly established. AKUS makes movements.
Thank you.
President of Korea
Since May 2017, we have witnessed the reverse of Korean history.
We have witnessed the reverse of history, such as the reverse of ideologies, the reverse of alliances, and the reverse of culture that we have never seen before. Amid this development, AKUS was created in Korea and the United States in the spirit of absolute desperation to "protect liberal democracy." It is a private organization of great importance and meaning, starting out as an international organization formed by the persistent efforts of "Koreans in Korea," "Korean-Americans," and "Americans," who believe that the ROK-US alliance is an indispensable element.
This AKUS is an international organization created by the people of the United States, Korea's boeun country, and Korea, the rewarding country of the United States.
In order to survive Korea's liberal democracy, the U.S. participated in the Korean War alone with 1.78 million men and women, 33642 killed, 123,905 injured, and 7,000 missing. Since then, history has proved that the U.S. has made a decisive contribution, directly or indirectly, to the reconstruction of the charred Korea and the miraculous national development.
For the United States, Korea has been a proud reward for achieving the values sought by liberal democracies with great success. Korea has a heart of reward for the U.S. soldiers who sacrificed their lives in the Korean War and for supporting and supporting the U.S. in these difficult times.
Historically, there is a law that says, "The more the ROK and the US unite, the higher its international status, the more domestic development and prosperity it grows, and the further the ROK-US alliance grows, the lower its international status decreases and the path to retirement." AKUS is an international organization founded by the people of both countries that reduces the laws of history.
AKUS welcomes the gathering and participation of those who have the clear goal of promoting cooperation between Korea and the U.S. at the global level for the protection of liberal democracy, strengthening ties between Korea and the U.S., development of mutual cooperation projects and securing finances, and peace and prosperity.
AKUS has a great significance as a "beginning of a wonderful legacy to be passed on to future generations" by joining forces with 2.3 million American compatriots who value the ROK-US alliance, 3 million Americans who love Korea, and 35 million Koreans who value the ROK-US alliance.
Let's all work together for that day.
Thank you.